About KMW

This business was started in 1987 under the name of "Cross Custom Guns". It was a general rifle shop dealing in hunting rifles, match rifles and AR-15 based rifles.
By 1992, I narrowed my services to bolt action rifles for Law Enforcement and Tactical Competition shooters. I also changed the business name to Kisatchie Machine Works and have since done business as KMW. KMW remains a small shop serving a specific niche of the shooting community. I personally perform all teardowns, inspections, machining, finishing, bedding, coating, assembly and test fire of every rifle.
The KMW shop has evolved into a very specific work environment. Everything from the machines, measuring tools, gauges, fixtures and work areas are designed to be efficient and conducive to high quality, detailed work. You can see details of the KMW shop by clicking on this Gallery Link. Customers receiving a KMW rifle will have no questions about who in this shop performed the work.
Each rifle is built to meet specific mission needs of Law Enforcement or the serious competition shooter. I feel that the best way to insure a busy workload 5 years from now is to make sure everything going out the door today is correct.
I approach each day with the intent of earning a good reputation in this community rather than coast along on any past accomplishments. I am very fortunate to work in this field and appreciate the opportunity to evolve this art with some of the best people on the planet.
I have been participating in regional, national and international competitions since 1978. I still shoot competitively with the thought that getting on the line against the top shooters and teams from other parts of the country or world will help me continue to refine what does and does not work in the real world. We win some and we lose some but we always learn something new.
Whether you are researching a custom rifle for yourself or your agency, this is not something that most people do every day. Tight agency budgets or lean personal funds mean it is important that you choose the best tool for your mission or hobby. Do not settle for a mass produced product that was never intended for hard use.
Please review the information on this site. I don't know if my expertise will suit your needs, but this web resource will give you one more place to shop for and compare precision field rifles. If you have any questions or comments concerning this material, my products or my services contact me via phone or email by clicking on Contact KMW
Thank you again for your interest,
Terry Cross / Owner & Riflesmith